Host Zealot 🆚 Jump.BG - Apr, 2024

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Host Zealot ( has been added on 📅 and last updated on 📆 . Trusted and verified by WHTOP on 2020.
Jump.BG ( has been added on 📅 and last updated on 📆 . Trusted and verified by WHTOP on 2022.

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👉 Total Reviews: 53
🙌 Average Rating: 9.9 / 10
👍 Good Reviews: 53
👎 Bad Reviews: 0
👈 Official Responses: 9

53 user reviews logo
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2 Lyuben Karavelov, unit 5
Plovdiv 4000
Sofia, Vazrazhdane district
Sofia 1309
☎ Phone+1 (833) 6243024
02 448 4023
Ranks🏆 Alexa Rating 239,557▼-107,684 (lower is better)
Alexa Rank in IN 48,225
🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 34/49🔗 Links 12,775
🏆 Alexa Rating 441,697▼-187,567 (lower is better)
Alexa Rank in BG 1,163
🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 28/48🔗 Links 149,521
Languages en-US ru-RU bg-BG
📄 InfoHostZealot, established in 2009, is a well-known and experienced hosting service provider. They are dedicated to developing tailored hosting solutions and prioritize reliability and quality. The company name incorporates "Zealot," symbolizing enthusiasm and effort in achieving the goal of keeping clients' resources online at lightning-fast network speeds. HostZealot collaborates with top-notch data centers and ISPs globally to ensure a reliable infrastructure.

The company prides itself on [...]
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We from Jump.BG managed to establish ourselves on the Bulgarian hosting market as one of the preferred hosting companies due to the perfect ratio between quality, price of the offered services and the round-the-clock technical support by our highly qualified team. We have a rich portfolio of services that will help you implement your projects by exceeding your expectations. Read full review
📡 Established2009November, -1
🏁 Site speedFast, load time 1.3 seconds 65% sites are slower
SEO Links count 56
Fast, load time 1.1 seconds 75% sites are slower
SEO Links count 46
📣 Social Media
📣 Social Media

🔃 User Shares Iconhostzealot
Started from: March, 2010
  • Tweets: 427
  • Followers: 231
  • Friends: 745
  • Last activity: IconJumpBG
Started from: January, 2011
  • Tweets: 369
  • Followers: 516
  • Friends: 895
  • Last activity: IconHostZealot Hosting Company
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Host Zealot Blog
  • Blog Posts: 0
  • Blog added on: May, 2015

Jump.BG Blog
  • Blog Posts: 65
  • First post from: Nov, 2017
  • Language: bg-BG
  • Last written post:

🔧 Dedicated Hosting - 20/2
💡 Plan NameAtom C2750 London [Linux/Windows]Xeon E5-2620 [Linux]
💰 Price$ 45.00/mo.BGN 324.00/mo. VAT inc
(BGN 360.00 after first term)
💿 Disk Space250 GB1000 GB SSD
📶 Data Transfer30 TBunmetered
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimitedunlimited
🆓 Free Domain00
💪 CPU8x2.4GHz2X INTEL XEON E5-2620 12 CORES
🔋 RAM4 GB64 GB
📌 Dedicated IPs11
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, Plesk, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin
🌏 Server LocationIsraelBulgaria
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Basic configuration
CPU:Atom C2750/8c/2.4GHz
Disks (max: 2):250GB SATA
INFO (mouse over)Leased servers give you a completely independent hardware resource located in the Equinix data center with guaranteed uninterruptible power supply (99.999%) and 1Gbit / s network connectivity provided by several independent ISPs.
📅 Date PlanJun 2021Jun 2022
💡 Plan NameCore i3-2120 Warsaw [Linux/Windows]Xeon E3-1230 [Linux/Windows]
💰 Price$ 55.00/mo.BGN 162.00/mo. VAT inc
(BGN 180.00 after first term)
💿 Disk Space4000 GB500 GB SSD
📶 Data Transfer30 TBunmetered
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimitedunlimited
🆓 Free Domain00
🔋 RAM8 GB16 GB
📌 Dedicated IPs11
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, Plesk, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin
🌏 Server LocationIsraelBulgaria
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Basic configuration
CPU:Core i3-2120/2c/3.3GHz
Disks (max: 2):2x2000GB SATA
Same as previous plans
📅 Date PlanJun 2021Jun 2022
💡 Plan NameCore i3-3220 Chicago [Linux/Windows]-
💰 Price$ 59.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space500 GB-
📶 Data Transfer30 TB-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU2x3.3GHz-
🔋 RAM8 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, Plesk, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Basic configuration
CPU:Core i3-3220/2c/3.3GHz
DDR3Disks (max: 2):500GB SATA
📅 Date PlanJun 2021-
💡 Plan NameCore i3-4330 Netherlands [Linux/Windows]-
💰 Price$ 59.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space4000 GB-
📶 Data Transfer30 TB-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU2x3.5GHz-
🔋 RAM8 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, Plesk, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Basic configuration
CPU:Core i3-4330/2c/3.5GHz
Disks (max: 2):2x2000GB SATA
📅 Date PlanJun 2021-
💡 Plan NameXeon E3-1230v2 Canada [Linux/Windows]-
💰 Price$ 65.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space1000 GB-
📶 Data Transfer30 TB-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.3GHz-
🔋 RAM8 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, Plesk, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Basic configuration
Xeon E3-1230v2 / 4c / 8t / 3.3GHz HT
📅 Date PlanJun 2021-
💡 Plan NameXeon E3-1220 Warsaw [Linux/Windows]-
💰 Price$ 65.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space3000 GB-
📶 Data Transfer30 TB-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.1GHz-
🔋 RAM8 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, Plesk, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Basic configuration
CPU:Xeon E3-1220/4c/3.1GHz
Disks (max: 4):3000GB SATA
📅 Date PlanJun 2021-
💡 Plan NameXeon E3-1230v2 Canada [Linux/Windows]-
💰 Price$ 79.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space500 GB-
📶 Data Transfer30 TB-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.3GHz-
🔋 RAM32 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, Plesk, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Basic configuration
Xeon E3-1230v2 / 4c / 8t / 3.3GHz HT
📅 Date PlanJun 2021-
💡 Plan NameXeon E3-1230v2 Chicago [Linux/Windows]-
💰 Price$ 79.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space500 GB-
📶 Data Transfer30 TB-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.3GHz-
🔋 RAM32 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, Plesk, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Basic configuration
CPU:Xeon E3-1230v2/4c/3.3GHz
Disks (max: 4):500GB SATA
📅 Date PlanJun 2021-
💡 Plan NameXeon E3- 1230v2 Chicago [Linux/Windows]-
💰 Price$ 79.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space1000 GB-
📶 Data Transfer30 TB-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.3GHz-
🔋 RAM32 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, Plesk, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Basic configuration
CPU:Xeon E3-1230v2/4c/3.3GHz
Disks (max: 2):2x500GB SATA
📅 Date PlanJun 2021-
💡 Plan NameXeon E3-1230v2 London [Linux/Windows]-
💰 Price$ 79.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space1000 GB-
📶 Data Transfer30 TB-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.3GHz-
🔋 RAM32 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, Plesk, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Basic configuration
CPU:Xeon E3-1230v2/4c/3.3GHz
Disks (max: 4):1000GB SATA
📅 Date PlanJun 2021-
💡 Plan NameXeon E3-1231v3 London [Linux/Windows]-
💰 Price$ 85.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space2000 GB-
📶 Data Transfer30 TB-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.4GHz-
🔋 RAM32 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, Plesk, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Basic configuration
CPU:Xeon E3-1231v3/4c/3.4GHz
Disks (max: 2):2x1000GB SATA
📅 Date PlanJun 2021-
💡 Plan NameXeon E3-1230v2 Chicago [Linux/Windows]-
💰 Price$ 89.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space1000 GB-
📶 Data Transfer30 TB-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.3GHz-
🔋 RAM16 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, Plesk, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Basic configuration
CPU:Xeon E3-1230v2/4c/8t/3.3GHz
Disks (max: 4):2x500GB SATA
📅 Date PlanJun 2021-
💡 Plan NameXeon E3-1230v2 Warsaw [Linux/Windows]-
💰 Price$ 89.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space960 GB-
📶 Data Transfer30 TB-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.3GHz-
🔋 RAM32 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, Plesk, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Basic configuration
CPU:Xeon E3-1230v2/4c/3.3GHz
Disks (max: 4):960GB SSD
📅 Date PlanJun 2021-
💡 Plan NameXeon E3-1230v6 Netherlands
💰 Price$ 99.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space2000 GB-
📶 Data Transfer30 TB-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.5GHz-
🔋 RAM16 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, Plesk, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Basic configuration
CPU:Xeon E3-1230v6/4c/3.5GHz
Disks (max: 2):2x1000GB SATA
📅 Date PlanJun 2021-
💡 Plan NameXeon E3-1240v5 Stockholm [Linux/Windows]-
💰 Price$ 119.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space240 GB SSD-
📶 Data Transfer32 TB-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain -
💪 CPU3x3.5GHz-
🔋 RAM32 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, Plesk, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Basic configuration
CPU:Xeon E3-1240v5/4c/3.5GHz
Disks (max: 2):2x240GB SSD
📅 Date PlanFeb 2021-
💡 Plan NameXeon E-2286G Estonia [Linux/Windows]-
💰 Price$ 129.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space1000 GB-
📶 Data Transfer30 TB-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU6x4GHz-
🔋 RAM16 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, Plesk, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Basic configuration
Xeon E-2286G / 6c / 12t / 4GHz HT
1U SuperMicro (HDD q'ty: 4)
📅 Date PlanJun 2021-
💡 Plan NameAMD EPYC 7302P Chicago [Linux/Windows]-
💰 Price$ 279.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space960 GB-
📶 Data Transfer30 TB-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU16x3GHz-
🔋 RAM64 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, Plesk, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Basic configuration
CPU:AMD EPYC 7302P/16c/3GHz
Disks (max: 4):2x480GB SSD
📅 Date PlanJun 2021-
💡 Plan NameXeon E5-2670v3 Netherlands
💰 Price$ 299.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space8640 GB-
📶 Data Transfer30 TB-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU12x2.3GHz-
🔋 RAM256 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, Plesk, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Basic configuration
CPU:2xXeon E5-2670v3/12c/24t/2.3GHz
Disks (max: 10):2x480GB SSD +2x3840GB SSD
📅 Date PlanJun 2021-
💡 Plan NameAMD EPYC 7302P Chicago [Linux/Windows]-
💰 Price$ 449.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space960 GB-
📶 Data Transfer30 TB-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU16x3GHz-
🔋 RAM256 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, Plesk, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Basic configuration
CPU:AMD EPYC 7302P/16c/3GHz
Disks (max: 4):2x480GB SSD
📅 Date PlanJun 2021-
💡 Plan NameAMD EPYC 7502P Netherlands
💰 Price$ 589.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space960 GB-
📶 Data Transfer30 TB-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU32x2.5GHz-
🔋 RAM256 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, Plesk, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Basic configuration
CPU:AMD EPYC 7502P/32c/2.5GHz
Disks (max: 4):2x480GB SSD
📅 Date PlanJun 2021-
🔧 VPS - 80/4
💡 Plan NamezKVM 1024 Canada [Linux]1 CPU 1 GB [Linux]
💰 Price$ 12.50/mo.BGN 10.80/mo. VAT inc
💿 Disk Space20 GB25 GB SSD NVMe
📶 Data Transfer1 TB1 TB
🔌 Hosted domains unlimited
🆓 Free Domain 0
💪 CPU3x3.30GHz1 CPU
📌 Dedicated IPs11
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVMVirtualmin
🌏 Server LocationIsraelBulgaria
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)KVM VDS - zKVM 1024
CPU: 3 Cores
RAM: 1024MB
Space: 20GB SSD
Bandwidth: 1024GB
INFO (mouse over)40 Gbit / s connectivity
24/7 infrastructure monitoring
Triple reserved distributed NVMe SSD storage
DDoS protection
Possibility for free VirtualMin control panel
1 IP address (own)
📅 Date PlanMar 2024Jun 2022
💡 Plan NamezKVM 1024 USA [Linux]1 CPU 2 GB [Linux]
💰 Price$ 12.50/mo.BGN 21.60/mo. VAT inc
💿 Disk Space20 GB50 GB SSD NVMe
📶 Data Transfer1 TB2 TB
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimitedunlimited
🆓 Free Domain00
📌 Dedicated IPs11
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVMVirtualmin
🌏 Server LocationIsraelBulgaria
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plansSame as previous plans
📅 Date PlanMar 2024Jun 2022
💡 Plan NamezKVM 1024 Estonia [Linux]2 CPU 2 GB [Linux]
💰 Price$ 12.50/mo.BGN 32.40/mo. VAT inc
💿 Disk Space20 GB60 GB SSD NVMe
📶 Data Transfer1 TB3 TB
🔌 Hosted domains unlimited
🆓 Free Domain00
💪 CPU3x3.30GHz2 CPU
📌 Dedicated IPs11
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVMVirtualmin
🌏 Server LocationIsraelBulgaria
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plansSame as previous plans
📅 Date PlanMar 2024Jun 2022
💡 Plan NamezKVM 1024 Israel [Linux]24 CPU 128 GB [Linux]
💰 Price$ 12.50/mo.BGN 648.00/mo. VAT inc
💿 Disk Space20 GB600 GB SSD NVMe
📶 Data Transfer1 TB11 TB
🔌 Hosted domains unlimited
🆓 Free Domain00
💪 CPU324
🔋 RAM1 GB125 GB
📌 Dedicated IPs11
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVMVirtualmin
🌏 Server LocationIsraelBulgaria
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plansSame as previous plans
📅 Date PlanMar 2024Jun 2022
💡 Plan NamezKVM 1024 Cyprus [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 12.50/mo.-
💿 Disk Space20 GB-
📶 Data Transfer1 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain -
💪 CPU3x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM1 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 1024 Sweden [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 12.50/mo.-
💿 Disk Space20 GB-
📶 Data Transfer1 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain -
💪 CPU3x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM1 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 1024 Poland [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 12.50/mo.-
💿 Disk Space20 GB-
📶 Data Transfer1 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU3x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM1 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 1024 Netherlands [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 12.50/mo.-
💿 Disk Space20 GB-
📶 Data Transfer1 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain -
💪 CPU3x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM1924 MB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 1024 UK [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 12.50/mo.-
💿 Disk Space20 GB-
📶 Data Transfer1 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU3x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM1 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 1024 Seattle [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 12.50/mo.-
💿 Disk Space20 GB-
📶 Data Transfer1 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU3x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM1 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 1024 Dallas [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 12.50/mo.-
💿 Disk Space20 GB-
📶 Data Transfer1 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU3x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM1 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 2048 Canada [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 14.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space30 GB-
📶 Data Transfer2 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM2 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)KVM VDS - zKVM 2048
CPU: 4 Cores
RAM: 2048MB
Space: 30GB SSD
Bandwidth: 2048GB
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 2048 USA [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 14.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space30 GB-
📶 Data Transfer2 TB-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain1-
💪 CPU4-
🔋 RAM2 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 2048 Estonia [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 14.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space30 GB-
📶 Data Transfer2 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain -
💪 CPU4x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM2 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 2048 Israel [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 14.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space30 GB-
📶 Data Transfer2 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4-
🔋 RAM2 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 2048 Cyprus [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 14.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space30 GB-
📶 Data Transfer2 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain -
💪 CPU4x3.3GHz-
🔋 RAM2 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, Plesk, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 2048 Sweden [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 14.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space30 GB-
📶 Data Transfer2 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM2 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 2048 Poland [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 14.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space30 GB-
📶 Data Transfer2 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM2 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 2048 Netherlands [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 14.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space30 GB-
📶 Data Transfer2 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM2 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 2048 UK [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 14.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space30 GB-
📶 Data Transfer2 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.3GHz-
🔋 RAM2 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 2048 [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 14.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space30 GB-
📶 Data Transfer2 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM2 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server Location-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 2048 Dallas [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 14.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space30 GB-
📶 Data Transfer2 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.3GHz-
🔋 RAM2 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 2048 NVMe Netherlands
💰 Price$ 16.99/mo.-
💿 Disk Space20 GB-
📶 Data Transferunmetered-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU3x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM2 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)NVMe - zKVM 2048 NVMe
CPU: 3 Cores
Space: 20GB NVMe
Port: 1Gbps
Bandwidth: Unmetered
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 2048 NVMe Poland [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 16.99/mo.-
💿 Disk Space20 GB-
📶 Data Transferunmetered-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU3x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM2 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 4096 USA [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 21.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space50 GB-
📶 Data Transfer4 TB-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4-
🔋 RAM4 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)KVM VDS - zKVM 4096
CPU: 4 Cores
RAM: 4096MB
Space: 50GB SSD
Bandwidth: 4096GB
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 4096 EStonia [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 21.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space50 GB-
📶 Data Transfer50 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain -
💪 CPU4x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM4 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 4096 Cyprus [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 21.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space50 GB-
📶 Data Transfer50 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain -
💪 CPU4x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM4 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, Plesk, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 4096 Israel [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 21.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space50 GB-
📶 Data Transfer5 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain -
💪 CPU4-
🔋 RAM4 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 4096 Sweden [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 21.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space50 GB-
📶 Data Transfer4 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain -
💪 CPU4x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM4 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 4096 Canada [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 21.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space50 GB-
📶 Data Transfer50 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain -
💪 CPU4x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM4 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 4096 Poland [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 21.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space50 GB-
📶 Data Transfer4 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4-
🔋 RAM4 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 4096 Netherlands [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 21.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space50 GB-
📶 Data Transfer4 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM4 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 4096 UK [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 21.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space50 GB-
📶 Data Transfer4 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM4 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamewKVM 4096 Sweden [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 21.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space100 GB-
📶 Data Transfer4 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM4 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelPlesk, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)wKVM 4096
CPU: 4 Cores
RAM: 4096MB
Space: 100GB SSD
Bandwidth: 4096GB
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 4096 Seattle [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 21.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space50 GB-
📶 Data Transfer4 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM4 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 4096 Dallas [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 21.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space50 GB-
📶 Data Transfer4 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM4 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelDirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 8192 USA [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 31.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space100 GB-
📶 Data Transfer8 TB-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4-
🔋 RAM8 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)KVM VDS - zKVM 8192
CPU: 4 Cores
RAM: 8192MB
Space: 100GB SSD
Bandwidth: 8192GB
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 8192 Estonia [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 31.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space100 GB-
📶 Data Transfer8 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain -
💪 CPU4x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM8 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 8192 Cyprus [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 31.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space100 GB-
📶 Data Transfer8 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain -
💪 CPU4x3.3GHz-
🔋 RAM8 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, Plesk, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 8192 Israel [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 31.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space100 GB-
📶 Data Transfer8 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM8 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 8192 Sweden [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 31.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space100 GB-
📶 Data Transfer8 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM8 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 8192 Canada [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 31.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space100 GB-
📶 Data Transfer8 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain -
💪 CPU4x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM8 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 8192 Poland [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 31.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space100 GB-
📶 Data Transfer8 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM8 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 8192 Netherlands [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 31.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space100 GB-
📶 Data Transfer8 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM8 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 8192 UK [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 31.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space100 GB-
📶 Data Transfer8 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain -
💪 CPU4x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM8 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 8192 Seattle [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 31.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space100 GB-
📶 Data Transfer8 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.3GHz-
🔋 RAM8 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 8192 Dallas [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 31.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space100 GB-
📶 Data Transfer8 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4-
🔋 RAM8 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 4096 NVMe Netherlands
💰 Price$ 33.99/mo.-
💿 Disk Space50 GB-
📶 Data Transferunmetered-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.3GHz-
🔋 RAM4 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)NVMe - zKVM 4096 NVMe
CPU: 4 Cores
Space: 50GB NVMe
Port: 1Gbps
Bandwidth: Unmetered
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 4096 NVMe Poland [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 33.99/mo.-
💿 Disk Space50 GB-
📶 Data Transferunmetered-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.3GHz-
🔋 RAM4 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 16384 Poland [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 40.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space150 GB-
📶 Data Transfer10 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM16 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelPlesk, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)KVM VDS - zKVM 16384
CPU: 6 Cores
Space: 150GB SSD
Bandwidth: 10TB
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 16384 Cyprus [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 40.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space150 GB-
📶 Data Transfer10 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM16 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelPlesk, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 16384 Sweden [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 40.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space150 GB-
📶 Data Transfer10 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM16 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelPlesk, KVM-
🌏 Server Location-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 16384 US [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 40.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space150 GB-
📶 Data Transfer10 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM16 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 16384 UK [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 40.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space150 GB-
📶 Data Transfer10 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM16 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelPlesk, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 16384 Canada [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 40.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space150 GB-
📶 Data Transfer10 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM16 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelPlesk, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 16384 Netherlands [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 40.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space150 GB-
📶 Data Transfer10 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM16 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelPlesk, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 16384 Israel [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 40.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space150 GB-
📶 Data Transfer10 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM16 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelPlesk, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 16384 Estonia [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 40.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space150 GB-
📶 Data Transfer10 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM16 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelPlesk, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 16384 Seattle [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 40.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space150 GB-
📶 Data Transfer10 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM16 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 16384 Dallas [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 40.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space150 GB-
📶 Data Transfer10 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.3GHz-
🔋 RAM16 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 8192 NVMe Netherlands
💰 Price$ 49.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space100 GB-
📶 Data Transferunmetered-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM8 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)NVMe - zKVM 8192 NVMe
CPU: 4 Cores
Space: 100GB NVMe
Port: 1Gbps
Bandwidth: Unmetered
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 8192 NVMe Poland [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 49.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space100 GB-
📶 Data Transferunmetered-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.3GHz-
🔋 RAM8 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 16384 NVMe Netherlands
💰 Price$ 79.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space150 GB-
📶 Data Transferunmetered-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU6x3.3GHz-
🔋 RAM16 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)NVMe - zKVM 16384 NVMe
CPU: 6 Cores
Space: 150GB NVMe
Port: 1Gbps
Bandwidth: Unmetered
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamezKVM 16384 NVMe Poland [Linux]-
💰 Price$ 79.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space150 GB-
📶 Data Transferunmetered-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU6x3.3GHz-
🔋 RAM16 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamewKVM 1024 Israel [Windows]-
💰 Price$ 9.99/mo.-
💿 Disk Space50 GB-
📶 Data Transfer1 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU3x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM1 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelPlesk, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)wKVM 1024
CPU: 3 Cores
RAM: 1024MB
Space: 50GB SSD
Bandwidth: 1024GB
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamewKVM 1024 Estonia [Windows]-
💰 Price$ 12.50/mo.-
💿 Disk Space50 GB-
📶 Data Transfer1 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain -
💪 CPU3x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM1 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelPlesk, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamewKVM 1024 Sweden [Windows]-
💰 Price$ 12.50/mo.-
💿 Disk Space50 GB-
📶 Data Transfer1 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU2x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM1 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelISPmanager, KVM, SolusVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamewKVM 1024 Poland [Windows]-
💰 Price$ 12.50/mo.-
💿 Disk Space50 GB-
📶 Data Transfer1 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU3x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM1 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelPlesk, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamewKVM 1024 UK [Windows]-
💰 Price$ 12.50/mo.-
💿 Disk Space50 GB-
📶 Data Transfer1 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU3x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM1 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelPlesk, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamewKVM 1024 Netherlands [Windows]-
💰 Price$ 12.50/mo.-
💿 Disk Space50 GB-
📶 Data Transfer1 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU3x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM1 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelPlesk, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamewKVM 1024 Seattle [Windows]-
💰 Price$ 12.50/mo.-
💿 Disk Space50 GB-
📶 Data Transfer1 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU3x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM1 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamewKVM 1024 Dallas [Windows]-
💰 Price$ 12.50/mo.-
💿 Disk Space50 GB-
📶 Data Transfer1 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU2x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM1 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelPlesk, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamewKVM 2048 Estonia [Windows]-
💰 Price$ 14.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space75 GB-
📶 Data Transfer2 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain -
💪 CPU4x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM2 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelPlesk, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)wKVM 2048
CPU: 4 Cores
RAM: 2048MB
Space: 75GB SSD
Bandwidth: 2048GB
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamewKVM 2048 Sweden [Windows]-
💰 Price$ 14.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space75 GB-
📶 Data Transfer2 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM2 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelPlesk, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamewKVM 2048 Poland [Windows]-
💰 Price$ 14.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space75 GB-
📶 Data Transfer2 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM2 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelPlesk, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamewKVM 2048 UK [Windows]-
💰 Price$ 14.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space75 GB-
📶 Data Transfer2 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.3GHz-
🔋 RAM2 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelPlesk, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamewKVM 2048 Netherlands [Windows]-
💰 Price$ 14.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space75 GB-
📶 Data Transfer2 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.3GHz-
🔋 RAM2 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelPlesk, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamewKVM 2048 Seattle [Windows]-
💰 Price$ 14.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space75 GB-
📶 Data Transfer2 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.3GHz-
🔋 RAM2 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, Webmin, Virtualmin, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamewKVM 2048 Dallas [Windows]-
💰 Price$ 14.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space75 GB-
📶 Data Transfer2 TB-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.30GHz-
🔋 RAM2 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelPlesk, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
💡 Plan NamewKVM 2048 US [Windows]-
💰 Price$ 16.99/mo.-
💿 Disk Space75 GB-
📶 Data Transfer2 TB-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x3.3GHz-
🔋 RAM2 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelPlesk, KVM-
🌏 Server LocationIsrael-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanMar 2024-
🔧 Shared Hosting - 0/4
💡 Plan Name-Standard [Linux]
💰 Price-BGN 11.40/mo. VAT inc
💿 Disk Space-60 GB SSD
📶 Data Transfer-unmetered
🔌 Hosted domains-unlimited
🆓 Free Domain-0
📌 Dedicated IPs-0
🔨 Control Panel-CPanel
🌏 Server Location-Bulgaria
📜 Description-INFO (mouse over)free SSL from Let's Encrypt
backup manager
PHP - 8.x & 7.x & 5.x
free professional transfer from another hosting
free CDN from CloudFlare
automatic installer
📅 Date Plan-Jun 2022
💡 Plan Name-Business [Linux]
💰 Price-BGN 21.50/mo. VAT inc
💿 Disk Space-150 GB SSD
📶 Data Transfer-unmetered
🔌 Hosted domains-unlimited
🆓 Free Domain-0
📌 Dedicated IPs-0
🔨 Control Panel-CPanel
🌏 Server Location-Bulgaria
📜 Description-Same as previous plans
📅 Date Plan-Jun 2022
💡 Plan Name-Hosting ONE [Linux]
💰 Price-BGN 58.80/mo. VAT inc
💿 Disk Space-5 GB SSD
📶 Data Transfer-unmetered
🔌 Hosted domains-unlimited
🆓 Free Domain-0
📌 Dedicated IPs-0
🔨 Control Panel-
🌏 Server Location-Bulgaria
📜 Description-Same as previous plans
📅 Date Plan-Jun 2022
💡 Plan Name-Start [Linux]
💰 Price-BGN 78.00/mo. VAT inc
💿 Disk Space-20 GB SSD
📶 Data Transfer-unmetered
🔌 Hosted domains-unlimited
🆓 Free Domain-0
📌 Dedicated IPs-0
🔨 Control Panel-CPanel
🌏 Server Location-Bulgaria
📜 Description-Same as previous plans
📅 Date Plan-Jun 2022
🔧 Reseller Hosting - 0/3
💡 Plan Name-Freelance [Linux]
💰 Price-BGN 42.00/mo. VAT inc
💿 Disk Space-50 GB SSD
📶 Data Transfer-unmetered
🔌 Hosted domains-unlimited
🆓 Free Domain-0
📌 Dedicated IPs-1
🔨 Control Panel-CPanel, WHM
🌏 Server Location-Bulgaria
📜 Description-INFO (mouse over)Our reseller plans give you the flexibility to determine the parameters of your customers' plans, as well as, of course, the price at which you will sell them. You have full control through the WHM control panel, and your customers have a completely separate hosting account with their own cPanel. [...]
📅 Date Plan-Jun 2022
💡 Plan Name-Freelance+ [Linux]
💰 Price-BGN 79.00/mo. VAT inc
💿 Disk Space-100 GB SSD
📶 Data Transfer-unmetered
🔌 Hosted domains-unlimited
🆓 Free Domain-0
📌 Dedicated IPs-3
🔨 Control Panel-CPanel, WHM
🌏 Server Location-Bulgaria
📜 Description-Same as previous plans
📅 Date Plan-Jun 2022
💡 Plan Name-Business [Linux]
💰 Price-BGN 135.00/mo. VAT inc
💿 Disk Space-200 GB SSD
📶 Data Transfer-unmetered
🔌 Hosted domains-unlimited
🆓 Free Domain-0
📌 Dedicated IPs-5
🔨 Control Panel-CPanel, WHM
🌏 Server Location-Bulgaria
📜 Description-Same as previous plans
📅 Date Plan-Jun 2022
🔧 Cloud - 0/3
💡 Plan Name-Managed Cloud Start [Linux]
💰 Price-BGN 124.10/mo. VAT inc
(BGN 139.00 after first term)
💿 Disk Space-90 GB SSD NVMe
📶 Data Transfer-3 TB
🔌 Hosted domains-unlimited
🆓 Free Domain-0
🔋 RAM-4 GB
📌 Dedicated IPs-1
🔨 Control Panel-CPanel
🌏 Server Location-Bulgaria
📜 Description-INFO (mouse over)Lightning fast, triple replicated SSM NVMe storage
Cloud servers use specialized storage from Storpool. All data is stored on three separate and independent disks on three separate servers. This provides both absolute security and reliability for the data that is always available even in the event [...]
📅 Date Plan-Jun 2022
💡 Plan Name-Managed Cloud Standard [Linux]
💰 Price-BGN 162.00/mo. VAT inc
(BGN 180.00 after first term)
💿 Disk Space-150 GB SSD NVMe
📶 Data Transfer-4 TB
🔌 Hosted domains-unlimited
🆓 Free Domain-0
🔋 RAM-6 GB
📌 Dedicated IPs-1
🔨 Control Panel-CPanel
🌏 Server Location-Bulgaria
📜 Description-Same as previous plans
📅 Date Plan-Jun 2022
💡 Plan Name-Managed Cloud Enterprise [Linux]
💰 Price-BGN 378.00/mo. VAT inc
(BGN 420.00 after first term)
💿 Disk Space-400 GB SSD NVMe
📶 Data Transfer-7 TB
🔌 Hosted domains-unlimited
🆓 Free Domain-0
💪 CPU-12 CPU
🔋 RAM-24 GB
📌 Dedicated IPs-1
🔨 Control Panel-CPanel
🌏 Server Location-Bulgaria
📜 Description-Same as previous plans
📅 Date Plan-Jun 2022
🔧 Domains - 0/2
💡 Plan
💰 Price-BGN 25.70/yr. VAT inc
📜 Description-INFO (mouse over).bg 49.00 BGN / year

.eu 7.60 BGN / year

.info 16.80 BGN / year

.net 30.90 BGN / year

.org 29.70 BGN / year
📅 Date Plan-Jun 2022
💡 Plan
💰 Price-BGN 49.00/yr. VAT inc
📜 Description-Same as previous plans
📅 Date Plan-Jun 2022
🔧 SSL Certificates - 0/4
💡 Plan Name-Positive SSL
💰 Price-BGN 26.22/yr. VAT inc
📜 Description-INFO (mouse over)SSL or Secure Socket Layer provides an encrypted connection between the hosting server hosting the website and the visitor's browser.

With the SSL certificate you get a higher level of security of your data. In this way, all credit card numbers and personal data will be protected.

SSL [...]
📅 Date Plan-Jun 2022
💡 Plan Name-Instant SSL
💰 Price-BGN 68.00/yr. VAT inc
📜 Description-Same as previous plans
📅 Date Plan-Jun 2022
💡 Plan Name-Positive SSL Wildcard
💰 Price-BGN 145.00/yr. VAT inc
📜 Description-Same as previous plans
📅 Date Plan-Jun 2022
💡 Plan Name-Premium SSL Wildcard
💰 Price-BGN 416.00/yr. VAT inc
📜 Description-Same as previous plans
📅 Date Plan-Jun 2022
💻 Supported Operating Systems
  • Linux/Windows
  • Linux
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Linux/Windows
📤 List of products
  • Dedicated Hosting
  • VPS
  • Dedicated Hosting
  • VPS
  • Shared Hosting
  • Reseller Hosting
  • Cloud
  • Domains
  • SSL Certificates
✍️ Support Options
  • Email
  • Help Desk
  • Phone / Toll-Free
  • Online: Skype, Whatsapp ...
  • Available 24/7
  • Live Chat
  • Forum
  • 9 WHTop support responses
  • Email
  • Help Desk
  • Phone / Toll-Free
  • Live Chat
  • Available 24/7
  • 0 WHTop support responses
💰 Payment Options
  • Credit / Debit / Prepaid Cards
  • PayPal
  • AliPay
  • Wire Transfer
  • Skrill (Moneybookers)
  • Cash Cards (CCAvenue)
  • Bitcoin
  • AstroPay Card
  • Credit / Debit / Prepaid Cards
👪 Last positive / negative customers review
-anonymous- (hug346qw2@g...)
on 📆 Mar 25, 2024
Great hosting, I recommend it.
😁 Excellent hosting with reasonable prices and excellent support. Always stable servers with high uptime and good speed. Excellent interface and convenient client portal.

John Muse (tranzformator@g...)
on 📆 Nov 26, 2010
😠 Started using hostzealot when they have appeared on the horizon of the hosting market. Never regret of the choise as this company makes really good job for their clients and the sites hosted. I use the shared hosting account for the small site [...]

📉 Compare to similar brands
 Host Zealot versus
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    🏆 Alexa Rating 25,440▲12,070
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 41/50🔗 Links 1,958,526

  • logo
    Super Hosting.BG

    🏆 Alexa Rating 48,270▼-69,798
    📈 Domains 41,803▼-182
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 34/53🔗 Links 502,556

  • logo

    👉 Total Reviews: 96
    🙌 Average Rating: 9.9 / 10
    👍 Good Reviews: 95
    👎 Bad Reviews: 1
    👈 Official Responses: 0

    🏆 Alexa Rating 232,181▲47,099
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 22/36🔗 Links 4,285

  • logo
    Euro Hoster

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    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 26/42🔗 Links 90,571

  • logo

    👉 Total Reviews: 109
    🙌 Average Rating: 9.6 / 10
    👍 Good Reviews: 104
    👎 Bad Reviews: 5
    👈 Official Responses: 0

    🏆 Alexa Rating 345,233▲86,358
    📈 Domains 2,430▲39
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 33/51🔗 Links 69,108

  • logo
    Alpha VPS

    🏆 Alexa Rating 362,081▼-9,622
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 27/44🔗 Links 253,077

  • logo

    👉 Total Reviews: 1
    🙌 Average Rating: 10 / 10
    👍 Good Reviews: 1
    👎 Bad Reviews: 0
    👈 Official Responses: 0

    🏆 Alexa Rating 469,406▼-140,745
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 27/49🔗 Links 610,723

  • logo
    Blue Angel Host

    👉 Total Reviews: 36
    🙌 Average Rating: 7.2 / 10
    👍 Good Reviews: 25
    👎 Bad Reviews: 11
    👈 Official Responses: 0

    🏆 Alexa Rating 503,034▲167,121
    📈 Domains 828▲11
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 26/37🔗 Links 6,706

  • logo
    ITL DC

    👉 Total Reviews: 1
    🙌 Average Rating: 9 / 10
    👍 Good Reviews: 1
    👎 Bad Reviews: 0
    👈 Official Responses: 0

    🏆 Alexa Rating 525,573▼-253,207
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 31/43🔗 Links 3,916

Jump.BG versus
  • logo

    🏆 Alexa Rating 25,440▲12,070
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 41/50🔗 Links 1,958,526

  • logo
    Super Hosting.BG

    🏆 Alexa Rating 48,270▼-69,798
    📈 Domains 41,803▼-182
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 34/53🔗 Links 502,556

  • logo

    👉 Total Reviews: 96
    🙌 Average Rating: 9.9 / 10
    👍 Good Reviews: 95
    👎 Bad Reviews: 1
    👈 Official Responses: 0

    🏆 Alexa Rating 232,181▲47,099
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 22/36🔗 Links 4,285

  • logo
    Euro Hoster

    🏆 Alexa Rating 330,341▲102,651
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 26/42🔗 Links 90,571

  • logo

    👉 Total Reviews: 109
    🙌 Average Rating: 9.6 / 10
    👍 Good Reviews: 104
    👎 Bad Reviews: 5
    👈 Official Responses: 0

    🏆 Alexa Rating 345,233▲86,358
    📈 Domains 2,430▲39
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 33/51🔗 Links 69,108

  • logo
    Alpha VPS

    🏆 Alexa Rating 362,081▼-9,622
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 27/44🔗 Links 253,077

  • logo

    👉 Total Reviews: 1
    🙌 Average Rating: 10 / 10
    👍 Good Reviews: 1
    👎 Bad Reviews: 0
    👈 Official Responses: 0

    🏆 Alexa Rating 469,406▼-140,745
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 27/49🔗 Links 610,723

  • logo
    Blue Angel Host

    👉 Total Reviews: 36
    🙌 Average Rating: 7.2 / 10
    👍 Good Reviews: 25
    👎 Bad Reviews: 11
    👈 Official Responses: 0

    🏆 Alexa Rating 503,034▲167,121
    📈 Domains 828▲11
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 26/37🔗 Links 6,706

  • logo
    ITL DC

    👉 Total Reviews: 1
    🙌 Average Rating: 9 / 10
    👍 Good Reviews: 1
    👎 Bad Reviews: 0
    👈 Official Responses: 0

    🏆 Alexa Rating 525,573▼-253,207
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 31/43🔗 Links 3,916