Cyber_Folks 🆚 Net Mark - Oct, 2024

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Cyber_Folks ( has been added on 📅 and last updated on 📆 . Trusted and verified by WHTOP on 2018.
Net Mark ( has been added on 📅 and last updated on 📆 . Trusted and verified by WHTOP on 2020.

Example of working searches for search field: GoDaddy,, Go daddy or even daddy

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Profile completion status:
Things done
Company descriptions is fine
Company address location is complete
Company phone/fax is added
Company Twitter and Facebook accounts are added
Forum, Blog/Announcements, Knowledgebase or FAQ URLs are added
Products (plans) are added
Note: Add a promotion or coupon

Things to do
"About page" URL or "Contact page" URLs are missing

👉 Total Reviews: 4
🙌 Average Rating: 5.5 / 10
👍 Good Reviews: 2
👎 Bad Reviews: 2
👈 Official Responses: 0

4 user reviews logo
Profile completion status:
Things done
Company address location is complete
Company phone/fax is added
"About page" URL or "Contact page" URLs are added
Forum, Blog/Announcements, Knowledgebase or FAQ URLs are added
Products (plans) are added, but some are not updated from over 2 years
Note: Add a promotion or coupon

Things to do
Company descriptions is too short. Minimum 500 chars
Twitter and Facebook accounts are missing

H88 SA ul. Franklin Roosevelt 22
Poznan 60-829
Part of H88
ul. E. Plater 5, 33 300
Nowy SÄ…cz
📧 Emailsupport@c...firma@n...
☎ Phone+48 (17) 787 69 67+48 18 540 62 13
Ranks🏆 Alexa Rating 67,959▲16,126 (lower is better)
📈 Domains 13,403▼-11 (higher is better)
Alexa Rank in PL 748
🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 49/58🔗 Links 2,760,641
🏆 Alexa Rating 348,047▼-253,064 (lower is better)
Alexa Rank in PL 4,595
🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 38/50🔗 Links 1,488,299
Languages pl-PL pl-PL
📄 InfoPart of H88, Cyber_Folks offers web services for entrepreneurs, developers or bloggers. They use a modern infrastructure and provide well-equipped plans. Multiple domains/businesses are now part of Cyber_Folks, after rebranding from Linuxpl.

The company specializes in the following web hosting solutions: Shared Hosting;VPS Hosting;Dedicated Servers;WordPress Hosting;Domain Registration;SSL Certificates;
Shared hosting and WordPress plans are set up in 60 seconds due to the WordPress [...]
Read full review
NETMARK is an internet service provider based on many years of experience in this industry. The company was founded at the turn of 2005 and already has an established and stable position on the Polish Internet market. Our company is one of the fastest growing companies providing internet services in Poland, which currently supports over 20 thousand. individual clients, private enterprises as well as governmental and non-governmental institutions. Read full review
📡 EstablishedDecember, 2001-
🏁 Site speed-Fast, load time 1.1 seconds 77% sites are slower
SEO Links count 384
📣 Social Media
📣 Social Media

🔃 User Shares Iconlinuxplcom
Started from: December, 2012
  • Tweets: 318
  • Followers: 1,311
  • Friends: 0
  • Language: pl
  • Last activity:

Cyber_Folks Blog
  • Blog Posts: 172
  • Blog added on: Feb, 2015
  • Language: pl-PL
  • Last written post:

Net Mark Blog
  • Blog Posts: 48
  • Blog added on: Nov, 2015
  • Language used: pl
  • Last written post:

🔧 Shared Hosting - 4/6
💡 Plan Namecyber_ IN [Linux]MICRO server [Linux/Windows]
💰 PricePLN 4.08/yr.
(PLN 249.00 after 12 mo.)
PLN 32.50/yr. VAT 23% exc
💿 Disk Space10 GB SSD5 GB SSD
📶 Data Transfer250 GB100 GB
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimitedunlimited
🆓 Free Domain00
📌 Dedicated IPs00
🔨 Control Panel
🌏 Server LocationPolandPoland
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Website in 60 seconds
Convenient website builder and auto installer for beginners. Your site up and running in less than a minute.

Fast loading
LiteSpeed ​​Cache, SSD Cached, HTTP / 3 and PHP 8 arrays - technologies that ensure speed. Short loading time means up to half the conversion [...]
INFO (mouse over)Any division of space
into WWW, e-mail ?? and databases
Unlimited number of domains
with an indication of directories
Unlimited email accounts
Unlimited number of email aliases
Automatic reply message
Antivirus and anti-spam system
Friendly cPanel administration panel
Access to mail via WWW
📅 Date PlanOct 2022Jan 2020
💡 Plan Namecyber_ UP [Linux]MINI Server [Linux/Windows]
💰 PricePLN 7.00/yr.
(PLN 349.00 after 12 mo.)
PLN 57.50/yr. VAT 23% exc
💿 Disk Space35 GB SSD10 GB SSD
📶 Data Transferunmeteredunmetered
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimitedunlimited
🆓 Free Domain00
📌 Dedicated IPs00
🔨 Control Panel
🌏 Server LocationPolandPoland
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plansSame as previous plans
📅 Date PlanOct 2022Jan 2020
💡 Plan Namecyber_ GO [Linux]MIDI server [Linux/Windows]
💰 PricePLN 7.42/yr.
(PLN 399.00 after 12 mo.)
PLN 87.50/yr. VAT 23% exc
💿 Disk Space100 GB SSD20 GB SSD
📶 Data Transferunmeteredunmetered
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimitedunlimited
🆓 Free Domain00
📌 Dedicated IPs00
🔨 Control Panel
🌏 Server LocationPolandPoland
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plansSame as previous plans
📅 Date PlanOct 2022Jan 2020
💡 Plan Namecyber_ FLY [Linux]BIG server [Linux/Windows]
💰 PricePLN 14.92/yr.
(PLN 699.00 after 12 mo.)
PLN 134.50/yr. VAT 23% exc
💿 Disk Space300 GB SSD40 GB SSD
📶 Data Transferunmeteredunmetered
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimitedunlimited
🆓 Free Domain00
📌 Dedicated IPs00
🔨 Control Panel
🌏 Server LocationPolandPoland
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plansSame as previous plans
📅 Date PlanOct 2022Jan 2020
💡 Plan Name-MAX server [Linux/Windows]
💰 Price-PLN 179.50/yr. VAT 23% exc
💿 Disk Space-60 GB SSD
📶 Data Transfer-unmetered
🔌 Hosted domains-unlimited
🆓 Free Domain-0
📌 Dedicated IPs-0
🔨 Control Panel-
🌏 Server Location-Poland
📜 Description-Same as previous plans
📅 Date Plan-Jan 2020
💡 Plan Name-MAX + server [Linux/Windows]
💰 Price-PLN 280.00/yr. VAT 23% exc
💿 Disk Space-120 GB SSD
📶 Data Transfer-unmetered
🔌 Hosted domains-unlimited
🆓 Free Domain-0
📌 Dedicated IPs-0
🔨 Control Panel-
🌏 Server Location-Poland
📜 Description-Same as previous plans
📅 Date Plan-Jan 2020
🔧 Dedicated Hosting - 2/0
💡 Plan Namesd_IN [Linux]-
💰 PricePLN 199.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space500 GB SSD-
📶 Data Transferunmetered-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPUIntel i3-7100, 2c / 4t 3.9GHz-
🔋 RAM8 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control Panel -
🌏 Server LocationPoland-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Redundancy
It means that the components required for operation are multiplied. So servers have, for example, two power supplies, while one is enough to work. The data center is equipped with two power lines, so that in the event of failure or service work, there is no downtime.

In [...]
📅 Date PlanOct 2022-
💡 Plan Namesd_UP [Linux]-
💰 PricePLN 359.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space1000 GB SSD-
📶 Data Transferunmetered-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPUIntel E2234, 4c / 8t 3.6GHz / 4.8GHz-
🔋 RAM16 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control Panel -
🌏 Server LocationPoland-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanOct 2022-
🔧 VPS - 4/0
💡 Plan Namevps_ IN [Linux]-
💰 PricePLN 14.90/mo.-
💿 Disk Space25 GB SSD-
📶 Data Transfer512 GB-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU1x 2.4 GHz-
🔋 RAM1 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelKVM-
🌏 Server LocationPoland-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)High stability
We rely on professional equipment with ECC memories and stable RAID arrays. We ensure the stability of performance by constantly monitoring the load.

Disk performance
Fast SSD disks (about 95 thousand IOPS). The machine is equipped with 10 such disks, operating in RAID 10 mode, on [...]
📅 Date PlanOct 2022-
💡 Plan Namevps_ UP [Linux]-
💰 PricePLN 29.90/mo.-
💿 Disk Space50 GB SSD-
📶 Data Transfer1 TB-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU2x 2.4 GHz-
🔋 RAM4 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelKVM-
🌏 Server LocationPoland-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanOct 2022-
💡 Plan Namewin_GO [Windows]-
💰 PricePLN 149.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space150 GB SSD-
📶 Data Transferunmetered-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU4x 2.4 GHz-
🔋 RAM8 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelKVM-
🌏 Server LocationPoland-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanOct 2022-
💡 Plan Namewin_ FLY [Windows]-
💰 PricePLN 219.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space200 GB SSD-
📶 Data Transferunmetered-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU8x 2.4 GHz-
🔋 RAM16 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelKVM-
🌏 Server LocationPoland-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanOct 2022-
🔧 Domains - 2/1
💡 Plan
💰 PricePLN 9.90/yr.PLN 10.00/yr.
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over).site PLN 59.00 / year

.online PLN 29.00 / year

.eu PLN 29.00 / year

.site PLN 1.00 / year

.net PLN 79.00 / year
INFO (mouse over).pw PLN 29.8 10 zlotys 10 zlotys 10 zlotys 10 zlotys

.biz PLN 70
📅 Date PlanOct 2022Jan 2020
💡 Plan
💰 PricePLN 59.00/yr.-
📜 DescriptionSame as previous plans-
📅 Date PlanOct 2022-
🔧 SSL Certificates - 4/2
💡 Plan NameCommercial SSLRapidSSL
💰 PricePLN 19.00/yr.PLN 59.00/yr.
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)For non-commercial websites, e.g. blogs, internet forums
EUR 200,000



1 ("www.")

Encrypted connection
Encrypts the connection and data sent from the computer to the outside world
INFO (mouse over)Secures a single domain name
Recognized by 99% of browsers
128/256 bit encryption
The length of the encryption key is 2048 bit
📅 Date PlanOct 2022Jan 2020
💡 Plan NameCommercial SSL WildcardRapidSSL Wildcard
💰 PricePLN 99.00/yr.PLN 399.00/yr.
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)For non-commercial sites with multiple subdomains

EUR 200,000




Encrypted connection
Encrypts the connection and data sent from the computer to the outside world
INFO (mouse over)Secures the domain and all its subdomains [*]
Recognized by 99% of browsers
128/256 bit encryption
The length of the encryption key is 2048 bit
📅 Date PlanOct 2022Jan 2020
💡 Plan NameTrusted SSL-
💰 PricePLN 299.00/yr.-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Encrypted connection
Encrypts the connection and data sent from the computer to the outside world

Protection against phishing
Protection against impersonation of your company

Credibility of your company
It shows the data of the entity for which the certificate was issued
📅 Date PlanOct 2022-
💡 Plan NamePremium SSL-
💰 PricePLN 399.00/yr.-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Encrypted connection
Encrypts the connection and data sent from the computer to the outside world

Protection against phishing
Protection against impersonation of your company

Credibility of your company
It shows the data of the entity for which the certificate was issued

The highest [...]
📅 Date PlanOct 2022-
💻 Supported Operating Systems
  • Linux
  • Windows
  • Linux/Windows
📤 List of products
  • Shared Hosting
  • Dedicated Hosting
  • VPS
  • Domains
  • SSL Certificates
  • Shared Hosting
  • Domains
  • SSL Certificates
✍️ Support Options
  • Email
  • Help Desk
  • Phone / Toll-Free
  • 0 WHTop support responses
  • Email
  • Help Desk
  • Phone / Toll-Free
  • 0 WHTop support responses
💰 Payment Options
  • Credit / Debit / Prepaid Cards
  • Credit / Debit / Prepaid Cards
👪 Last positive / negative customers review
-anonymous- (pm@k...)
on 📆 Oct 17, 2023
Terribly expensive
😠 Terribly expensive, no discounts or programs for regular customers.Terrible contact with the consultant.

📉 Compare to similar brands
 Cyber_Folks versus
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    👉 Total Reviews: 5
    🙌 Average Rating: 3.2 / 10
    👍 Good Reviews: 2
    👎 Bad Reviews: 3
    👈 Official Responses: 0

    🏆 Alexa Rating 15,685▼-2,937
    📈 Domains 8,056▼-30
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 93/79🔗 Links 14,607,300

  • logo

    👉 Total Reviews: 32
    🙌 Average Rating: 9.1 / 10
    👍 Good Reviews: 29
    👎 Bad Reviews: 3
    👈 Official Responses: 0

    🏆 Alexa Rating 37,339▲3,955
    📈 Domains 57,656▼-174
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 85/76🔗 Links 20,056,402

  • logo

    🏆 Alexa Rating 84,165▲10,044
    📈 Domains 338
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 73/64🔗 Links 736,674

  • logo

    🏆 Alexa Rating 90,913▼-51,668
    📈 Domains 4,087▼-7
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 62/60🔗 Links 1,978,528

  • logo

    🏆 Alexa Rating 97,006▲2,899
    📈 Domains 3,455▼-1
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 50/55🔗 Links 768,902

  • logo

    🏆 Alexa Rating 97,496▲46,717
    📈 Domains 7,435▲6
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 46/59🔗 Links 995,778

  • logo

    🏆 Alexa Rating 117,901▼-69,169
    📈 Domains 5,786▲51
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 45/53🔗 Links 612,487

  • logo

    🏆 Alexa Rating 129,196▼-138,900
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 32/63🔗 Links 2,298,146

  • logo

    🏆 Alexa Rating 186,585▲84,583
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 48/52🔗 Links 1,186,107

  • logo

    🏆 Alexa Rating 220,396▲122,920
    📈 Domains 9,821▼-23
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 52/57🔗 Links 1,926,968

Net Mark versus
  • logo

    👉 Total Reviews: 5
    🙌 Average Rating: 3.2 / 10
    👍 Good Reviews: 2
    👎 Bad Reviews: 3
    👈 Official Responses: 0

    🏆 Alexa Rating 15,685▼-2,937
    📈 Domains 8,056▼-30
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 93/79🔗 Links 14,607,300

  • logo

    👉 Total Reviews: 32
    🙌 Average Rating: 9.1 / 10
    👍 Good Reviews: 29
    👎 Bad Reviews: 3
    👈 Official Responses: 0

    🏆 Alexa Rating 37,339▲3,955
    📈 Domains 57,656▼-174
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 85/76🔗 Links 20,056,402

  • logo

    🏆 Alexa Rating 84,165▲10,044
    📈 Domains 338
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 73/64🔗 Links 736,674

  • logo

    🏆 Alexa Rating 90,913▼-51,668
    📈 Domains 4,087▼-7
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 62/60🔗 Links 1,978,528

  • logo

    🏆 Alexa Rating 97,006▲2,899
    📈 Domains 3,455▼-1
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 50/55🔗 Links 768,902

  • logo

    🏆 Alexa Rating 97,496▲46,717
    📈 Domains 7,435▲6
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 46/59🔗 Links 995,778

  • logo

    🏆 Alexa Rating 117,901▼-69,169
    📈 Domains 5,786▲51
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 45/53🔗 Links 612,487

  • logo

    🏆 Alexa Rating 129,196▼-138,900
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 32/63🔗 Links 2,298,146

  • logo

    🏆 Alexa Rating 186,585▲84,583
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 48/52🔗 Links 1,186,107