d2.pl is not active web hosting company on WHTop

D2.pl is not active web hosting company on WHTop and therefore we don't redirect. You can manually go to their website at https://www.lh.pl/

Additionally you can read their older review page!


We have been operating on the hosting services market since 2004 . Since then, we have managed to gain the recognition of a multitude of customers. Along with the development of the company, we put great emphasis on the stability and reliability of our services . We managed to obtain a high / very high level of service in the above-mentioned categories, as well as in many others (including customer service level).

This is reflected in the sales results. With each subsequent year, we doubled the number of ".pl" domains serviced on our server , which is a good indicator of the growth of websites hosted on our servers. However, we do not intend to stop at the current level of service as we see further scope for improving our capabilities.

All our servers are uniformly configured and have the same hardware parameters . This allows to increase the stability of our services (by avoiding the excess of many unnecessary errors) and reduces the costs of server administration. The only difference between the servers is the administration panel they are based on. Some of the servers are based on DirectAdmin (recommended panel) , and some on cPanel. As for the operating system, all our servers are based on the 64-bit equivalent of the RedHat server version called CentOS. However, among the hardware parameters, it is worth highlighting the 4-core Intel Core i7-920 processors with HT. They are seen in the system as an 8-way chip. In addition, each server is equipped with 8GB of fast RAM (DDR3) memory and double 750GB SATA-II disks. Thanks to this, our services are not only stable, but also very efficient , which positively affects the operation of the websites.

We work with one of the largest and most modern server rooms in Europe . The stability and quality of its services are ensured at many stages. Starting with power sources, which are additionally protected by UPS and a diesel-powered power generator . Through fire protection detecting any suspicions of fire and, if necessary, tightly shutting off the oxygen supply to the rooms. To monitoring systems with recording and authorization systems for access to rooms. The air conditioning and, most importantly, the various connection of servers to the Internet. Currently, the server room has links to 10 operators with a total capacity of 92 Gbit / s .

-- lang pl --
Na rynku usług hostingowych istniejemy od roku 2004. Od tego czasu udało nam się zdobyć uznanie rzeszy klientów. Wraz z rozwojem firmy, duży nacisk kładliśmy na stabilność oraz niezawodność naszych usług. Udało nam się uzyskać wysoki/bardzo wysoki poziom usług w wymienionych kategoriach, jak i wielu innych (m. in. poziom obsługi klienta). Odzwierciedla się to w wynikach sprzedaży. Z każdym kolejnym rokiem podwajaliśmy ilość obsługiwanych na naszych serwera domen ".pl", co jest dobrym wyznacznikiem wzrostu utrzymywanych na naszych serwerach stron. Nie zamierzamy jednak poprzestawać na obecnym poziomie usług, ponieważ widzimy dalsze pole do poprawy naszych możliwości.

Contact info

Nazwa firmy:LH.pl Sp. z o.o.

Adres:ul. Pamiątkowa 2/56

61-512 Poznań


NIP-EU:PL 7831711517


Telefon:+48 (61) 624 00 00
