b4bahrain.com is not active web hosting company on WHTop

B4 bahrain is not active web hosting company on WHTop and therefore we don't redirect. You can manually go to their website at http://www.b4bahrain.com/

Additionally you can read their older review page!


Our business web hosting plans are specially designed to fully accommodate from most basic to the most complex requirements. B4Bahrain continuously providing the best web hosting solution in Bahrain & all over the gulf. Our aim is to provide you quality fast web hosting on low-cost. Our web hosting accounts features 99.99% uptime guarantee with anytime money back. Even you can go for the 1-day free trial account to check our cpanel & services. For custom web hosting plans please feel free to contact us, we will get back to you with best price quote.

Source: http://www.b4bahrain.com/index.php/web-hosting.html

Offering plans:
Basic 30 BD
Standard 60 BD
Professional 180 BD

Contact info

P.O Box No. 925,
Government Avenue
The Kingdom of Bahrain

3929 6562
3306 7704
