Webhost 4Life review #12378 by Martin Hoeghguldberg (martin@s...)

Webhost 4Life got a negative review on
Webhost 4Life
10 Corporate Drive, Suite #300
Burlington , CA 91754
☎ Phone +1 888 306 3780

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Customer review #12378
Martin Hoeghguldberg ( martin@s... )
Time Hosted 1 to 2 years
Global rating
We have (which is about to be 'had') a wide range of global client websites on VPS services at Webhost4life. They were an OK, cheap alternative to hosting in Australia. That was until they were purchased and migrated to some “new beta platform”.

Since then, they have gone from OK to absolutely terrible (and I’m being polite here). We were given 4 hours notice of the migration of some 8 global sites (that included two for a major global beer brand and two for a major global mobile phone company – so not trivial players) and despite desperate and repeated pleas by our CTO not to proceed until we had domains sorted, etc, they ploughed ahead with the migration.

The result was all sites being taken off line. We then went through the process of creating support tickets (we also called them and tried to get through to ‘management’ but were repeatedly told that no one could help…) and working through our global client’s IT departments to get DNS changes, et al. WH4L was no help and we still – some 2 weeks later – still have some sites down because they cannot seem to get ASP.NET working on their servers.

My only advice is stay away from these guys – they are the worst of the worst. There are plenty of great global hosts out there and I’m just sorry we stayed as long as we did. And the biggest insult - they have increased their prices... wow!!

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