Webhost 4Life negative review #11170 by -anonymous- on Jun 2010

Webhost 4Life got a negative review on
Webhost 4Life
10 Corporate Drive, Suite #300
Burlington , CA 91754
☎ Phone +1 888 306 3780

webhost4life.com is inactive, but is redirected to web.com
Customer review #11170
-anonymous- ( -no email- )
Time Hosted 6 mo. to 1 year
Global rating
Price / Cost
Customer Relation
Control Panel
Absoultely loved them until Endurance took them over.
Site was a default install through their wizzard. Everything worked great for 9 months -not a hitch. Then they migrated me to the new Endurance "Proprietary Technology" 502.2 Errors magically appeared (timeouts and out of memory errors from the dump logs). Migration email said send any problems to their transition email. No surprise, no response. Ticket opened and Tier 1 stepped up right away with "We confirm, sending to engineering." And then... Nothing. Engineering finally comes back with "Researching after two days and any requests for status (after additional days of my site being down) gets me the comment from support that "every time you contact us, we put you at the end of the queue." The only bright moment was finally getting to Cynthia who set things right in a matter of minutes by reverting the migration to the old boxes - putting a lie to the previous 2 days of "Those servers don't exist any more." She solely gets Endurance all of the points they did get on the Customer Service. Were it not for her, I'd be trying to enter negative numbers.

Site migrated pronto.
Domains in the process of being transferred.
Nice, ugly live tweet sessions while being bounced around in support.
4 bounced email messages to various feedback addresses given through the process.
8 days of downtime - and they still don't have an answer to the main problem, just drop back to the old servers and tell the user to fix it.
One person that will from now on check where he goes for hosting to see if Endurance trying to hide behind a well known name and scoop up some more subscribers before the word gets out.

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