Right Servers review #17131 by Walter Gantz (public_email@s...)

Right Servers got a positive review on
Right Servers
Waterloo , ON
☎ Phone +1 866-611-4678
Customer review #17131
Walter Gantz ( public_email@s... )
Time Hosted 3 to 6 months
Global rating
Price / Cost
Customer Relation
Control Panel
My Experience with www.rightservers.com

I used to be with a different host with my other projects, but I was unsatisfied with the delayed support response times, unfriendly customer service and frequent downtime. It was a headache each and every day and after doing my research, I was recommended to Right Servers (www.rightservers.com) and let me tell you that it is by far the best decision I have ever made. Other than scheduled downtime, their service has been up 100% for me. I had issues with my site going super slow at one point and they helped me out and fixed the issue, even through it's not covered under their management services. It really saved me because I was losing a lot of traffic and I couldn't figure out what was wrong for the life of me.

My domain, scandalltypess(dot)com has found a home and I felt that I should share this with everybody. If Right Servers wasn't recommended to me, I would have never found them so I figured that people may not know them around here (I noticed that the CEO is on here, but not active lately). They've went above and beyond numerous times and the least I can do is voice my opinion and recommend their services, give them a shot if you're in the market for a new host, Yazan (the CEO) is always working out good deals if you contact him.

I hope this helps people that are thinking of switching hosts.

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