Spatiul.Ro 🆚 - Apr, 2024

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Spatiul.Ro ( has been added on 📅 and last updated on 📆 . Trusted and verified by WHTOP on 2020. ( has been added on 📅 and last updated on 📆 . Trusted and verified by WHTOP on 2016.

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str. principala nr 45b sc A ap6
Tomesti, IS 707515
City Gate, North Tower
Bucharest, B 013702
☎ Phone0370.800.800 , Fax: 0332.78.00.48021.404.1234
Ranks🏆 Alexa Rating 1,364,207▼-2,296,501 (lower is better)
📈 Domains 1,119▼-12 (higher is better)
Alexa Rank in RO 16,004
🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 18/47🔗 Links 38,565
🏆 Alexa Rating 101,241▲42,152 (lower is better)
Alexa Rank in RO 717
🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 53/46🔗 Links 74,414
Languages ro-RO ro-RO
📄 InfoSpatiul Ro was connected to the ISP market in 2007. We have the technical capacity required by superior solutions you can rely on and promptly. We have a well-defined mission: to ensure ease of service and up-to-date solutions at competitive prices. Unlike uniserver systems where all services are hosted on the same server to provide service in Ro space cluster system. If one system experiencing technical problems, only the service hosted on that server will be unavailable for a short time. Who [...] Read full reviewWe intend to become the operator of integrated number 1 on the Romanian market, a position sustainable in all segments and geographic areas, capitalizing on synergies fixed-mobile along the value chain to have a business model very efficient and focused - everything provide excellence to our customers. our values Values ​​represent the framework within which we operate, and the purpose of all employees Telekom is to put them into practice in daily work to achieve the company vision. Romania [...] Read full review
📡 Established20072014
🏁 Site speedVery fast, load time 0.9 seconds 81% sites are slower
SEO Links count 48
Average, load time 2.8 seconds 30% sites are slower
SEO Links count 183
📣 Social Media
📣 Social Media

🔃 User Shares Iconspatiulro
Started from: June, 2009
  • Tweets: 1,253
  • Followers: 310
  • Friends: 284
  • Last activity: Icontelekom_ro
Started from: August, 2008
  • Tweets: 2,370
  • Followers: 4,702
  • Friends: 460
  • Last activity: IconSpatiul Ro
  • Likes:
  • People talking about them:
  • Last activity: IconTelekom Romania
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company/spatiul-roTelekom Romania
  • Followers: 9,751
  • Entity type: Privately Held
  • Founded: 2014
  • Employee Count: 5001-10000
  • Industry: Telecommunications

Spatiul.Ro Blog
  • Blog Posts: 25
  • First post from: Jun, 2007
  • Language used: ro
  • Last written post: Blog
🔧 Shared Hosting - 10/4
💡 Plan NameG1 [Linux]New BeOnline START [Linux]
💰 PriceRON 10.00/mo. VAT 19% exc€ 3.00/mo. VAT 20% exc
💿 Disk Space10 GB SSD2 GB
📶 Data Transferunmeteredunmetered
🔌 Hosted domains21
🆓 Free Domain01
📌 Dedicated IPs00
🔨 Control PanelCPanel
🌏 Server LocationRomaniaRomania
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Spatiu - 10GB,
Trafic lunar - Necontorizat,
Conturi Email - Necontorizat,
Baze de date - Necontorizat,
Domenii gazduite - 2,
IP Dedicat - Nu,
Nr. email-uri/ora/cont - 300,
SSH - Nu,
CPU - 2400Mhz,
Memorie - 1GB,
Viteza citire/scriere - 2mbps,
IOPS - [...]
INFO (mouse over)NO MySQL Databases
NO PHP, Perl / CGI
Domain Aliases 10
Free .RO Domain
1 hosted domain name
Unlimited subdomains
Unlimited email accounts
E-mail alias Unlimited
Yes Webmail Redirect
E-mail / Name Yes
Auto Responder Yes
Yes Mailing Lists
Antivirus & Antispam [...]
📅 Date PlanMay 2020Oct 2016
💡 Plan NameG2 [Linux]New BeOnline PLUS [Linux]
💰 PriceRON 17.00/mo. VAT 19% exc€ 5.00/mo. VAT 20% exc
💿 Disk Space20 GB SSD5 GB
📶 Data Transferunmeteredunmetered
🔌 Hosted domains51
🆓 Free Domain01
📌 Dedicated IPs10
🔨 Control PanelCPanel
🌏 Server LocationRomaniaRomania
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Spatiu - 20GB,
Trafic lunar - Necontorizat,
Conturi Email - Necontorizat,
Baze de date - Necontorizat,
Domenii gazduite - 5,
IP Dedicat - Da,
Nr. email-uri/ora/cont - 300,
SSH - Nu,
CPU - 3000Mhz,
Memorie - 2GB,
Viteza citire/scriere - 3mbps,
IOPS - 768,
Conexiuni - 20,
Procese - 100,
INFO (mouse over)Unlimited MySQL Databases
PHP, Perl / CGI
Domain Aliases 10
Free .RO Domain
1 hosted domain name
Unlimited subdomains
Unlimited email accounts
E-mail alias Unlimited
Yes Webmail Redirect
E-mail / Name Yes
Auto Responder Yes
Yes Mailing Lists
Antivirus & Antispam [...]
📅 Date PlanMay 2020Oct 2016
💡 Plan NameG3 [Linux]New BeOnline STANDARD [Linux]
💰 PriceRON 30.00/mo. VAT 19% exc€ 9.00/mo. VAT 20% exc
💿 Disk Space40 GB SSD10 GB
📶 Data Transferunmeteredunmetered
🔌 Hosted domains101
🆓 Free Domain01
📌 Dedicated IPs10
🔨 Control PanelCPanel
🌏 Server LocationRomaniaRomania
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Spatiu - 40GB,
Trafic lunar - Necontorizat,
Conturi Email - Necontorizat,
Baze de date - Necontorizat,
Domenii gazduite - 10,
IP Dedicat - Da,
Nr. email-uri/ora/cont - 300,
SSH - Nu,
CPU - 4200Mhz,
Memorie - 3GB,
Viteza citire/scriere - 4mbps,
IOPS - 1024,
Conexiuni - 25,
Procese - 125,
INFO (mouse over)Unlimited MySQL Databases
PHP, Perl / CGI
Domain Aliases 30
Free .RO Domain
1 hosted domain name
Unlimited subdomains
Unlimited email accounts
E-mail alias Unlimited
Yes Webmail Redirect
E-mail / Name Yes
Auto Responder Yes
Yes Mailing Lists
Antivirus & Antispam [...]
📅 Date PlanMay 2020Oct 2016
💡 Plan NameB1 [Linux]New BeOnline ADVANCED [Linux]
💰 PriceRON 30.00/mo. VAT 19% exc€ 17.00/mo. VAT 20% exc
💿 Disk Space10 GB SSD20 GB
📶 Data Transferunmeteredunmetered
🔌 Hosted domains21
🆓 Free Domain01
📌 Dedicated IPs10
🔨 Control PanelCPanel
🌏 Server LocationRomaniaRomania
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Spatiu - 10GB,
Trafic lunar - Necontorizat,
Conturi Email - Necontorizat,
Baze de date - Necontorizat,
Domenii gazduite - 2,
IP Dedicat - Da,
Nr. email-uri/ora/cont - 4000,
SSH - Da,
CPU - 4800Mhz,
Memorie - 2GB,
Viteza citire/scriere - 4mbps,
IOPS - 1024,
Conexiuni - 30,
Procese - 200,
INFO (mouse over)Domain Aliases 50
Support PHP scripts, Perl / CGI
Domain Aliases 50
Free .RO Domain
1 hosted domain name
Unlimited subdomains
Unlimited email accounts
E-mail alias Unlimited
Yes Webmail Redirect
E-mail / Name Yes
Auto Responder Yes
Yes Mailing Lists
Antivirus & [...]
📅 Date PlanMay 2020Oct 2016
💡 Plan NameB2 [Linux]-
💰 PriceRON 50.00/mo. VAT 19% exc-
💿 Disk Space20 GB SSD-
📶 Data Transferunmetered-
🔌 Hosted domains5-
🆓 Free Domain0-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel-
🌏 Server LocationRomania-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Spatiu - 20GB,
Trafic lunar - Necontorizat,
Conturi Email - Necontorizat,
Baze de date - Necontorizat,
Domenii gazduite - 5,
IP Dedicat - Da,
Nr. email-uri/ora/cont - 4000,
SSH - Da,
CPU - 6000Mhz,
Memorie - 4GB,
Viteza citire/scriere - 6mbps,
IOPS - 1536,
Conexiuni - 40,
Procese - 200,
📅 Date PlanMay 2020-
💡 Plan NameG4 [Linux]-
💰 PriceRON 55.00/mo. VAT 19% exc-
💿 Disk Space100 GB SSD-
📶 Data Transferunmetered-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain0-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel-
🌏 Server LocationRomania-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Spatiu - 100GB,
Trafic lunar - Necontorizat,
Conturi Email - Necontorizat,
Baze de date - Necontorizat,
Domenii gazduite - Necontorizat,
IP Dedicat - Da,
Nr. email-uri/ora/cont - 300,
SSH - Nu,
CPU - 6000Mhz,
Memorie - 4GB,
Viteza citire/scriere - 5mbps,
IOPS - 2048,
Conexiuni - 30,
Procese - 250,
📅 Date PlanMay 2020-
💡 Plan NameB3 [Linux]-
💰 PriceRON 90.00/mo. VAT 19% exc-
💿 Disk Space40 GB SSD-
📶 Data Transferunmetered-
🔌 Hosted domains10-
🆓 Free Domain0-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel-
🌏 Server LocationRomania-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Spatiu - 40GB,
Trafic lunar - Necontorizat,
Conturi Email - Necontorizat,
Baze de date - Necontorizat,
Domenii gazduite - 10,
IP Dedicat - Da,
Nr. email-uri/ora/cont - 4000,
SSH - Da,
CPU - 8400Mhz,
Memorie - 6GB,
Viteza citire/scriere - 8mbps,
IOPS - 2048,
Conexiuni - 50,
Procese - 250,
📅 Date PlanMay 2020-
💡 Plan NameG5 [Linux]-
💰 PriceRON 100.00/mo. VAT 19% exc-
💿 Disk Space200 GB SSD-
📶 Data Transferunmetered-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain0-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel-
🌏 Server LocationRomania-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Spatiu - 200GB,
Trafic lunar - Necontorizat,
Conturi Email - Necontorizat,
Baze de date - Necontorizat,
Domenii gazduite - Necontorizat,
IP Dedicat - Da,
Nr. email-uri/ora/cont - 300,
SSH - Nu,
CPU - 8400Mhz,
Memorie - 6GB,
Viteza citire/scriere - 6mbps,
IOPS - 4096,
Conexiuni - 40,
Procese - 400,
📅 Date PlanMay 2020-
💡 Plan NameB4 [Linux]-
💰 PriceRON 170.00/mo. VAT 19% exc-
💿 Disk Space100 GB SSD-
📶 Data Transferunmetered-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain0-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel-
🌏 Server LocationRomania-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Spatiu - 100GB,
Trafic lunar - Necontorizat,
Conturi Email - Necontorizat,
Baze de date - Necontorizat,
Domenii gazduite - Necontorizat,
IP Dedicat - Da,
Nr. email-uri/ora/cont - 4000,
SSH - Da,
CPU - 12000Mhz,
Memorie - 8GB,
Viteza citire/scriere - 10mbps,
IOPS - 4096,
Conexiuni - 60,
Procese - [...]
📅 Date PlanMay 2020-
💡 Plan NameB5 [Linux]-
💰 PriceRON 320.00/mo. VAT 19% exc-
💿 Disk Space200 GB SSD-
📶 Data Transferunmetered-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain0-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel-
🌏 Server LocationRomania-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Spatiu - 200GB,
Trafic lunar - Necontorizat,
Conturi Email - Necontorizat,
Baze de date - Necontorizat,
Domenii gazduite - Necontorizat,
IP Dedicat - Da,
Nr. email-uri/ora/cont - 4000,
SSH - Da,
CPU - 16800Mhz,
Memorie - 12GB,
Viteza citire/scriere - 12mbps,
IOPS - 8192,
Conexiuni - 80,
Procese - [...]
📅 Date PlanMay 2020-
🔧 Colocation Hosting - 5/0
💡 Plan NameC1-
💰 PriceRON 250.00/mo. VAT 19% exc-
📶 Data Transfer5 TB-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🌏 Server LocationRomania-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Dimensiune - 1U,
Trafic lunar - 5TB,
Port 1000mbps - Da,
IP-uri incluse - 1,
Management inclus - Level 1,
Remote Hands - 24/7,
UPS - Da,
Pret kwh - 0,85 ron,
Porturi curent - 2 x C13,
📅 Date PlanMay 2020-
💡 Plan NameC2-
💰 PriceRON 350.00/mo. VAT 19% exc-
📶 Data Transfer10 TB-
📌 Dedicated IPs5-
🌏 Server LocationRomania-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Dimensiune - 2U,
Trafic lunar - 10TB,
Port 1000mbps - Da,
IP-uri incluse - 5,
Management inclus - Level 1,
Remote Hands - 24/7,
UPS - Da,
Pret kwh - 0,85 ron,
Porturi curent - 2 x C13,
📅 Date PlanMay 2020-
💡 Plan NameC3-
💰 PriceRON 800.00/mo. VAT 19% exc-
📶 Data Transfer10 TB-
📌 Dedicated IPs13-
🌏 Server LocationRomania-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Dimensiune - 1/4 Rack,
Trafic lunar - 10TB,
Port 1000mbps - Da,
IP-uri incluse - 13,
Management inclus - Level 1,
Remote Hands - 24/7,
UPS - Da,
Pret kwh - 0,85 ron,
Porturi curent - 20 x C13,
📅 Date PlanMay 2020-
💡 Plan NameC4-
💰 PriceRON 1,300.00/mo. VAT 19% exc-
📶 Data Transfer50 TB-
📌 Dedicated IPs29-
🌏 Server LocationRomania-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Dimensiune - 1/2 Rack,
Trafic lunar - 50TB,
Port 1000mbps - Da,
IP-uri incluse - 29,
Management inclus - Level 1,
Remote Hands - 24/7,
UPS - Da,
Pret kwh - 0,85 ron,
Porturi curent - 32 x C13,
📅 Date PlanMay 2020-
💡 Plan NameC5-
💰 PriceRON 2,400.00/mo. VAT 19% exc-
📶 Data Transfer100 TB-
📌 Dedicated IPs61-
🌏 Server LocationRomania-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Dimensiune - Full Rack,
Trafic lunar - 100TB,
Port 1000mbps - Da,
IP-uri incluse - 61,
Management inclus - Level 1,
Remote Hands - 24/7,
UPS - Da,
Pret kwh - 0,85 ron,
Porturi curent - 48 x C13,
📅 Date PlanMay 2020-
🔧 Reseller Hosting - 5/0
💡 Plan NameR1 [Linux]-
💰 PriceRON 35.00/mo. VAT 19% exc-
💿 Disk Space25 GB SSD-
📶 Data Transferunmetered-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain0-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel-
🌏 Server LocationRomania-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Spatiu - 25GB,
Trafic lunar - Necontorizat,
Conturi Email - Necontorizat,
Baze de date - Necontorizat,
Domenii gazduite - Necontorizat,
Conturi cPanel - 15,
IP Dedicat - 1,
Nr. email-uri/ora/cont - 300,
SSH - Nu,
CPU/cont - 2400Mhz,
Memorie/cont - 2GB,
Viteza citire/scriere /cont - [...]
📅 Date PlanMay 2020-
💡 Plan NameR2 [Linux]-
💰 PriceRON 70.00/mo. VAT 19% exc-
💿 Disk Space60 GB SSD-
📶 Data Transferunmetered-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain0-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel-
🌏 Server LocationRomania-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Spatiu - 60GB,
Trafic lunar - Necontorizat,
Conturi Email - Necontorizat,
Baze de date - Necontorizat,
Domenii gazduite - Necontorizat,
Conturi cPanel - 35,
IP Dedicat - 1,
Nr. email-uri/ora/cont - 300,
SSH - Nu,
CPU/cont - 2400Mhz,
Memorie/cont - 2GB,
Viteza citire/scriere /cont - [...]
📅 Date PlanMay 2020-
💡 Plan NameR3 [Linux]-
💰 PriceRON 130.00/mo. VAT 19% exc-
💿 Disk Space120 GB SSD-
📶 Data Transferunmetered-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain0-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel-
🌏 Server LocationRomania-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Spatiu - 120GB,
Trafic lunar - Necontorizat,
Conturi Email - Necontorizat,
Baze de date - Necontorizat,
Domenii gazduite - Necontorizat,
Conturi cPanel - 100,
IP Dedicat - 1,
Nr. email-uri/ora/cont - 300,
SSH - Nu,
CPU/cont - 2400Mhz,
Memorie/cont - 2GB,
Viteza citire/scriere /cont - [...]
📅 Date PlanMay 2020-
💡 Plan NameR4 [Linux]-
💰 PriceRON 250.00/mo. VAT 19% exc-
💿 Disk Space300 GB SSD-
📶 Data Transferunmetered-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain0-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel-
🌏 Server LocationRomania-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Spatiu - 300GB,
Trafic lunar - Necontorizat,
Conturi Email - Necontorizat,
Baze de date - Necontorizat,
Domenii gazduite - Necontorizat,
Conturi cPanel - 200,
IP Dedicat - 1,
Nr. email-uri/ora/cont - 300,
SSH - Nu,
CPU/cont - 2400Mhz,
Memorie/cont - 2GB,
Viteza citire/scriere /cont - [...]
📅 Date PlanMay 2020-
💡 Plan NameR5 [Linux]-
💰 PriceRON 490.00/mo. VAT 19% exc-
💿 Disk Space600 GB SSD-
📶 Data Transferunmetered-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain0-
📌 Dedicated IPs1-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel-
🌏 Server LocationRomania-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Spatiu - 600GB,
Trafic lunar - Necontorizat,
Conturi Email - Necontorizat,
Baze de date - Necontorizat,
Domenii gazduite - Necontorizat,
Conturi cPanel - 300,
IP Dedicat - 1,
Nr. email-uri/ora/cont - 300,
SSH - Nu,
CPU/cont - 2400Mhz,
Memorie/cont - 2GB,
Viteza citire/scriere /cont - [...]
📅 Date PlanMay 2020-
🔧 VPS - 6/4
💡 Plan NameV1 [Linux]VPS 256 [Linux]
💰 PriceRON 45.00/mo. VAT 19% exc€ 20.00/mo. VAT 20% exc
€ 39.00 Setup Fee
💿 Disk Space15 GB SSD20 GB
📶 Data Transferunmeteredunmetered
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimitedunlimited
🆓 Free Domain00
💪 CPU11 vCPU 384 Mhz
🔋 RAM1 GB256 MB
📌 Dedicated IPs11
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, ZPanel, Webmin, ISPConfig, CentOS Web Panel, Virtualmin, OpenVZ, WHM, WebsitePanel, KVM, SolusVM
🌏 Server LocationRomaniaRomania
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Spatiu - 15GB,
Trafic lunar - Necontorizat,
Memorie asigurata - 1GB,
Swap - 512mb,
Procesor - 1 Core,
Management inclus - Level 1,
Backup date - Nu,
IP Dedicat - 1,
Nr. email-uri/ora/cont - Necontorizat,
SSH - Da,
Conectivitate - 600mbps,
INFO (mouse over)CPU Maxim 667 Mhz

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Virtual Private Server is a server in the Cloud, which has similar functionality to a physical server, but that saves you initial investment in [...]
📅 Date PlanMay 2020Oct 2016
💡 Plan NameV2 [Linux]VPS 384 [Linux]
💰 PriceRON 75.00/mo. VAT 19% exc€ 25.00/mo. VAT 20% exc
€ 39.00 Setup Fee
💿 Disk Space30 GB SSD30 GB
📶 Data Transferunmeteredunmetered
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimitedunlimited
🆓 Free Domain00
💪 CPU21 vCPU 667 Mhz
🔋 RAM2 GB384 MB
📌 Dedicated IPs11
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, ZPanel, Webmin, ISPConfig, CentOS Web Panel, Virtualmin, OpenVZ, WHM, WebsitePanel, KVM, SolusVM
🌏 Server LocationRomaniaRomania
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Spatiu - 30GB,
Trafic lunar - Necontorizat,
Memorie asigurata - 2GB,
Swap - 1024mb,
Procesor - 2 Core-uri,
Management inclus - Level 1,
Backup date - Nu,
IP Dedicat - 1,
Nr. email-uri/ora/cont - Necontorizat,
SSH - Da,
Conectivitate - 700mbps
INFO (mouse over)CPU Maxim 1,5 Ghz

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Virtual Private Server is a server in the Cloud, which has similar functionality to a physical server, but that saves you initial investment in [...]
📅 Date PlanMay 2020Oct 2016
💡 Plan NameV3 [Linux]VPS 512 [Linux]
💰 PriceRON 135.00/mo. VAT 19% exc€ 30.00/mo. VAT 20% exc
€ 39.00 Setup Fee
💿 Disk Space70 GB SSD40 GB
📶 Data Transferunmeteredunmetered
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimitedunlimited
🆓 Free Domain00
💪 CPU31 vCPU 1 Ghz
🔋 RAM4 GB512 MB
📌 Dedicated IPs11
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, ZPanel, Webmin, ISPConfig, CentOS Web Panel, Virtualmin, OpenVZ, WHM, WebsitePanel, KVM, SolusVM
🌏 Server LocationRomaniaRomania
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Spatiu - 70GB,
Trafic lunar - Necontorizat,
Memorie asigurata - 4GB,
Swap - 1024mb,
Procesor - 3 Core-uri,
Management inclus - Level 1,
Backup date - Nu,
IP Dedicat - 1,
Nr. email-uri/ora/cont - Necontorizat,
SSH - Da,
Conectiviate - 800mbps,
INFO (mouse over)CPU Maxim 1,5 Ghz

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Al products at

Virtual Private Server is a server in the Cloud, which has similar functionality to a physical server, but that saves you initial investment in [...]
📅 Date PlanMay 2020Oct 2016
💡 Plan NameV4 [Linux]VPS 1024 [Linux]
💰 PriceRON 225.00/mo. VAT 19% exc€ 50.00/mo. VAT 20% exc
€ 39.00 Setup Fee
💿 Disk Space150 GB SSD80 GB
📶 Data Transferunmeteredunmetered
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimitedunlimited
🆓 Free Domain00
💪 CPU41 vCPU 1,5 Ghz
📌 Dedicated IPs11
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, ZPanel, Webmin, ISPConfig, CentOS Web Panel, Virtualmin, OpenVZ, WHM, WebsitePanel, KVM, SolusVM
🌏 Server LocationRomaniaRomania
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Spatiu - 150GB,
Trafic lunar - Necontorizat,
Memorie asigurata - 8GB,
Swap - 1024mb,
Procesor - 4 Core-uri,
Management inclus - Level 1,
Backup date - Nu,
IP Dedicat - 1,
Nr. email-uri/ora/cont - Necontorizat,
SSH - Da,
Conectivitate - 900mbps,
INFO (mouse over)CPU Maxim 2,9 Ghz

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Virtual Private Server is a server in the Cloud, which has similar functionality to a physical server, but that saves you initial investment in [...]
📅 Date PlanMay 2020Oct 2016
💡 Plan NameV5 [Linux]-
💰 PriceRON 330.00/mo. VAT 19% exc-
💿 Disk Space300 GB SSD-
📶 Data Transferunmetered-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU6-
🔋 RAM12 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs2-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, ZPanel, Webmin, ISPConfig, CentOS Web Panel, Virtualmin, OpenVZ, WHM, WebsitePanel, KVM, SolusVM-
🌏 Server LocationRomania-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Spatiu - 300GB,
Trafic lunar - Necontorizat,
Memorie asigurata - 12GB,
Swap - 1024mb,
Procesor - 6 Core-uri,
Management inclus - Level 1,
Backup date - Nu,
IP Dedicat - 2,
Nr. email-uri/ora/cont - Necontorizat,
SSH - Da,
Conectiviate - 1000mbps,
📅 Date PlanMay 2020-
💡 Plan NameV6 [Linux]-
💰 PriceRON 600.00/mo. VAT 19% exc-
💿 Disk Space600 GB SSD-
📶 Data Transferunmetered-
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimited-
🆓 Free Domain0-
💪 CPU12-
🔋 RAM24 GB-
📌 Dedicated IPs2-
🔨 Control PanelCPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager, Vesta, ZPanel, Webmin, ISPConfig, CentOS Web Panel, Virtualmin, OpenVZ, WHM, WebsitePanel, KVM, SolusVM-
🌏 Server LocationRomania-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Spatiu - 600GB,
Trafic lunar - Necontorizat,
Memorie asigurata - 24GB,
Swap - 1024mb,
Procesor - 12 Core-uri,
Management inclus - Level 1,
Backup date - Nu,
IP Dedicat - 4,
Nr. email-uri/ora/cont - Necontorizat,
SSH - Da,
Conectiviate - 1000mbps
📅 Date PlanMay 2020-
🔧 Cloud - 0/1
💡 Plan Name-Virtual Data Center [Linux/Windows]
💰 Price-on request
💿 Disk Space-unlimited
📶 Data Transfer-unmetered
🔌 Hosted domains- 
🆓 Free Domain- 
🔋 RAM- 
🔨 Control Panel-
🌏 Server Location-Romania
📜 Description-INFO (mouse over)Virtual Data Center (VDC) is a range of premium hosting services for servers, IT and business applications that provide maximum security to data and best technical conditions for uninterrupted operation of critical applications.

Telekom Romania is the only operator with its own national data [...]
📅 Date Plan-Oct 2016
💻 Supported Operating Systems
  • Linux
  • Linux
  • Linux/Windows
📤 List of products
  • Shared Hosting
  • Colocation Hosting
  • Reseller Hosting
  • VPS
  • Shared Hosting
  • VPS
  • Cloud
✍️ Support Options
  • Email
  • Help Desk
  • Phone / Toll-Free
  • Live Chat
  • Available 24/7
  • 0 WHTop support responses
  • Email
  • Help Desk
  • Phone / Toll-Free
  • Live Chat
  • Available 24/7
  • 0 WHTop support responses
💰 Payment Options
  • Credit / Debit / Prepaid Cards
  • Wire Transfer
  • Credit / Debit / Prepaid Cards
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