is not active web hosting company on WHTop

SolidHost is not active web hosting company on WHTop and therefore we don't redirect. You can manually go to their website at

Additionally you can read their older review page!


Our datacenter is located in Amsterdam, the Netherlands (Europe), where we have our own staff standing by 24/7 in case of a problem. Additionally we operate support offices throughout the world, to efficiently provide support to our customers throughout the day and night. By operating these offices in different timezones, we are able to only let our staff work during daytime (office hours) in their local timezone. Our experience has taught us that by operating this way, our employees are able to start every day fresh, which lets them enjoy their job more which effectively influences the quality of our services in a positive manner. Needless to say it is very important that each office communicates very well with the other, and to make sure of that, we have established a dedicated team which takes care of this during every shift change.

Contact info

Postbus 84085
Rotterdam The Netherlands 3009CB Netherlands

Sales Hotline: 031-627448627
Sales Email: