is not active web hosting company on WHTop

Pentru Web is not active web hosting company on WHTop and therefore we don't redirect. You can manually go to their website at

Additionally you can read their older review page!

Description is the product of a 5-year market experience, which meets the needs of Romanian beneficiaries of web development services. The desire of any client is to find in one place all the tools or services he needs, so that he can save time and money at the same time. Through its structure this portal allows any of its users easy access to any information related to its requirements.
-- lang ro -- este produsul unei experiente de piata de 5 ani, care vine in intampinarea necesitatilor beneficiarilor romani de servicii de dezvoltare web. Dorinta oricarui client este de a gasi intr-un singur loc toate instrumentele sau serviciile de care are nevoie, astfel incat sa poata economisi timp si bani in acelasi timp. Prin structura sa acest portal permite oricarui utilizator al sau un acces facil la orice informatie legata de cerintele sale.

Contact info

Blue Star Design S.R.L.
C.F. R10653481
Reg: J02/314/98
Sediu: Baratca 640
Judetul: Arad
Conturi bancare:

Telefon: +4-0257-306080
Fax: +4-0257-306140
Adresa corespondenta:
S.C. Blue Star Design S.R.L.
C.P. 3/167-RO, 310085 Arad