is not active web hosting company on WHTop

King Host is not active web hosting company on WHTop and therefore we don't redirect. You can manually go to their website at

Additionally you can read their older review page!


Free adult web hosting.

NOTE: They are in the process of adding more servers and bandwidth to serve all your needs!

You can only create adult websites on this service
It must be legal for you, in your country, province/state, city to build adult websites and to view such content. You must be 18+ years old to use this service.
You can only upload LEGAL content to your website and our servers. Illegal material includes, but is not limited, to child pornography, bestiality and pictures that you don't have the right to publish. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS PUBLIC DOMAIN CONTENT. Images that you download on IRC, from newsgroups, from websites you visit, ect aren't licensed to you, and it is illegal to use it. Please note that if you break this law, your account just won't be instantly deleted, but we will fully deal with the concerned authorities and give them informations we have about you.
You may not use the website we provide you to do any illegal activities. This includes, but is not limited to, password trading, warez sites, mp3, ect. (and for sure publishing unlicensed content).

We will never reveal your personal informations unless you did something against the laws.
We will never sell your email address nor will send you spam.
We are dedicated to offering you the best service as possible, and we will do whatever is possible to achieve this goal. We are experienced webmasters and system administrators that have a lot of experience with high traffic websites.
We will also always try to keep our banners to minimum, and be as much as possible TGP compliant.
We will never redirect any of your traffic like many freehost are doing.


Contact info

King Host
C.P. 50001

Phone: +1 450 783 9017
Fax: +1 450 783 9017
webmaster@k... is inactive webhosting company!