digihost.com.br is not active web hosting company on WHTop

Digi Host-BR is not active web hosting company on WHTop and therefore we don't redirect. You can manually go to their website at https://www.digihost.com.br/

Additionally you can read their older review page!


DigiHost - Supports php, asp, asp.net, html, flash and MySql database.

Shared hosting, Linux or Windows 100% SSD

DigiHost VPS is the ideal solution for companies or developers who need to host their projects on high-performance servers, with dedicated resources and without worrying about high costs.

With VPS you get root access to the server and can control all aspects of the server and can configure and manage it the way you want.

DigiHost's virtual private servers are virtualized at the hardware level. This means you get all the benefits of the hardware components used to build the server that hosts your VPS. This pays off in better performance.

-- lang pt --
DigiHost - Oferece suporte a php, asp, asp.net, html, flash e banco de dados MySql.

Contact info

Suporte técnico:
PA (91) 98202-1258 (Tim)
PA (91) 98871-7988 (Oi)
Ligamos para você! Informe seu telefone no formulário e o nosso pessoal entrará em contato o mais rápido possível para tirar qualquer dúvida ou ajuda.
Horário de atendimento:
Das 8:00 às 22:00 horas (segunda a sexta-feira)
Das 9:00 às 18:00 horas (sábados, domingos e feriados)
Informações: info@digihost.com.br
Abuse: abuse@digihost.com.br