dhost.ro is not active web hosting company on WHTop

Dhost is not active web hosting company on WHTop and therefore we don't redirect. You can manually go to their website at https://www.gazduire.net/

Additionally you can read their older review page!


After a long period of more than 10 years of providing hosting and domain registration services, we announce that DHost will withdraw from the market and will be taken over by Gazduire.net
Dhost Software

Permissible. Trustworthy. Secure.

Unlimited traffic, antivirus & antispam protection
Support quick and pleasant
Flexible control panel, cPanel
Pay online by credit card (Mobilpay and Paypal) 0% commission
-- lang ro --
Dupa o perioada lunga de mai bine de 10 ani de furnizare servicii de gazduire si inregistrare domenii va anuntam ca DHost se va retrage de pe piata si va fi preluat de catre Gazduire.net
Software Dhost

Permis. Demn de incredere. Sigur.

Trafic nelimitat, protecție antivirus și antispam
Suport rapid și plăcut
Panou de control flexibil, cPanel
Plata online cu cardul de credit (Mobilpay si Paypal) comision 0%.

Contact info

DHost Web Hosting

STR. Mihail Sadoveanu, NR. 15
Slobozia / Ialomița
Reg. Com.: F21/563/2011
CUI: 29314400
*TEL: +4 (076) 17.06.031 L-V: 10 - 17
*TEL: +4 (072) 15.98.490 L-V: 10 - 17
*TEL: +4 (021) 79.48.248 L-V: 10 - 17

Email: suport@dhost.ro